How long does it take to complete the DBT program?

The majority of our clients engage in DBT therapy for about a year though the length of your treatment can vary significantly depending on your goals, severity of your diagnosis, and whether or not you’re part of an informed DBT program or a comprehensive program. Some clients work with us for as little as three months. 

Comprehensive care involves about a year of individual therapy and seven concurrent months of participation in a DBT skills group. Typically, clients start individual therapy before starting their participation in a skills group. After the group is complete they start the process of winding down their individual therapy and conclude within a year. That said, some clients may want reduced support after this period and continue with therapy for longer. 

Many clients who are in our informed DBT program have a shorter treatment duration. This might be because they do not need to participate in a skills group or because the nature of their goals make a shorter engagement possible. Note, we do not typically offer participation in our skills groups without being in individual therapy, though individual therapy can be done with an outside therapist.  

Alicia Smart